Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

3 Tips to Staging the Inside of Your Home Like a Pro

Are you considering putting your house up for sale, but not sure where to start? Afraid it will take too long to sell, or that you won’t get the price you want? Think about “staging” your home, or in other words, setting the scene for immediate buyer interest in your property.

To be really effective, you need to look at both the outside and the inside of your home. Here are 3 tips to get you started with the inside of your home:

1. De-clutter. This is one of the most important things you can do. It might be easier to think of de-cluttering like this – you’re moving anyway, so why not start packing now?

Pack up everything you don’t need and store the boxes out of sight in the garage (or consider temporarily renting a small storage locker).

2. Organize your closets - put similar colors together, pants together, skirts together, shirts together etc. Why? Because it will make the closets look bigger. (Really.) An organized closet appears bigger, and you want your closets to look as spacious as possible.

3. Make your home look like a model. You want to de-personalize as much as possible so potential buyers can imagine themselves and their own belongings occupying the space in your house. That means minimizing – putting away everything you don’t need or use. Clear off kitchen counters as much as possible – stash all those appliances you don’t use, and put miscellaneous small clutter in a few attractive baskets or boxes

And the biggest tip of all? Imagine yourself as a potential buyer looking at your property for the very first time. What impressions are you getting? Would YOU buy your house? What would you like to see changed before you put an offer on your house?

And don’t worry about spending several thousand dollars to get your house ready to sell – you’ll get it all back when your house sells. Proper staging helps you sell your house in a shorter time and at the price you want.

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

3 Surefire Ways To Sell Your Homes On Steroids, While Other Investors Can't Give Away Their Homes

So you need to sell your home?

This article is exactly what you need to do, to sell your home or create a bunch of leads of individuals, who are HOT prospects to buy your home.

Before, I share my 3 steroid ideas on selling your homes; you need to take a few simple steps...


1. You need to locate and interview an aggressive Mortgage Broker, very knowledgeable, with a GREAT TRACK RECORD of closing deals, especially difficult ones.

I cannot stress enough the importance, of having a great broker on your power team. I own and run, the R.E.I.A. (real estate investor club / www.tcreia.com) in my area, so whenever I hear a member, say they got a difficult deal closed, I always make sure to inquire for an introduction, because this might be the broker who can get most of my deals funded.

Remember, you can sell a home ten times, if you can't get the buyer funded by a mortgage company...who cares, your wasting your time.

2. You should make some effort in fixing the home up; even if it's a hunker, I'd still get the lawn cut and maybe throw a coat of paint on the property. You'd be amazed at the improvement to even an ugly property, with a simple coat of paint on the front of the property.

3. Go to your local community financing office or local grant and home buyer bond office. For example in my area (South Florida and Palm Beach County), both counties run a FREE class for your buyers on becoming a first time home buyer and when they take the class, they then get a voucher from the county, giving them $10,000.00 toward the purchase of their first home. The best part is sometimes the loans are even forgiven, when certain criteria are met by the new homeowner.


Let's be frank, your going to have to be more aggressive, smarter and persistent than 99% of all your homes neighbors.

There's no magic pill, but this has been working for both my students and me, for the last year, and we're always testing and fine-tuning the system.

And I can tell you, that while every other investor, is sitting with their heads in their butts, my students and I are able to sell all of our properties, during one of the worst RE slowdowns in history, and this is in South Florida, one of the most depressed markets in the Country,

1. Buyer First System

Basically you create your own buyers. The best example would be converting a lifetime renter into the American Dream a homeowner. Just so happens, that while becoming the American Dream, they also end up buying your home.

Very simply, create a flyer or postcard, and market to communities of people who would be a great prospect to buy your home.

Who doesn't want to be a homeowner in America? Nobody, that's a stupid question, everyone wants to be a homeowner, and it's bred into us as kids.

The real key is you must understand, that these individuals renting, most are under the impression they CAN'T get a mortgage. They might have tried in the past, and we're shutdown and embarrassed, only to believe they would live the rest of their lives as a RENTER.

These are the best leads you can focus on, because it's not a matter of IF they'll buy your home, they will, the key is can you get them funded or is it the right house for them, financially affordable.

I must also share with you, this strategy will take some of your time and initiative, because their is hand holding involved, mortgage brokers, and helping them get any government help in First time homebuyer money.

2. Fish in some one else's pond!

Go where the most prospects are for your home. I'll give you some examples, you need to go where the most and the best prospects are to buy your home, assuming it's a good deal (priced right, and there's still built-in equity for your buyer).

If you have any contacts or a friend of a friend, now is the time for using it and your expectations are for these contacts to open doors for you, to their sphere of influence.

For Example, one of my students, Courtney, leveraged a contact he had, his cousin (she was a middle school teacher), and she introduced him into the schools, where it just happened that the schools are in the same area, that he was selling a great starter home.

He sold the home that he needed to the most, but then, once word spread of what he was able to do, the rest of the teachers came out of everywhere, wanting him to help them. He's since helping the 1st teacher, sold another 5 homes, to 5 different teachers, earning him over $30,000.00 for this simple, leveraged relationship.

So what ponds can you fish in, with your marketing? Think about whom you know (friends, family members, and associates)?

BEST: Teachers, Cops, Firefighters, Government Employees, Bus Drivers, Department of Transportation. (These careers are loved by lenders, they mostly have good credit, and their income is basically guaranteed and very stable.)

GOOD: Large local employers: Supermarkets, Local telephone company (Bell South), Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.

3. Use the Internet...

You should definitely have an individual website for your property.

You can get a simple site built for under $100.00.

ü Use www.elance.com or www.rentacoder.com : Two great sites, for getting your site created, they are both similar to EBay. You post an auction about your project (your home website), and then companies bid on your job, and you get to see samples of their work and read all their feedback, after you decided who wins your job, you choose a winner. Oh by the way, both of these services cost you nothing, their completely FREE. ü Take some pictures with a digital camera of your home and you'll end up emailing them to the site designer, to post on your site. (good example, is www.735airoso.com) ü Treat this as an online, digital brochure, basically being able to do whatever you can conceive. ü You can take a video of the home, with you walking through the home and then have it placed on your site. If you're intimidated by video, like I was at first, don't be, because your web site designer can do it for you, very easily.

Now, when ever you talk to someone on the phone or in person, they can quickly look at your property, on the web. This will be the best $100.00 you'll ever spend on marketing of your home.

4. BONUS: Promote and hold your own, "First Time Homebuyer Seminar".

Before you say anything, I don't expect you to be Tony Robbins, if you can get 10 to 15 people in a room, your going to be successful.

We shared this strategy with my mentoring students, and it's been working excellent for them, from the results I've been receiving back from my future millionaires. In fact, one of my students from Miami, Alex, has been executing this strategy like gangbusters.

Before writing this article, I received permission from Alex to share some of his feedback with you, on the Homebuyer seminars that have been very successful for him.

He's now doing 1 a month, every month. Also, since he's has a few successfully under his belt, he's now selling sponsorship space to his seminars, to Mortgage brokers, credit repair companies, and he's even worked out a joint venture with two different realtors, whom pay him for every property they sell to one of his prospects.

If you're curious how he's filling the room, all he's doing is as follows...

-Flyers in Parking lots, I.E. Wal-Mart, Publix Supermarkets, and local churches.

-Free Advertising on www.craigslist.com

-He uses bandit style signs on the side of the road, 18 x 24, corrugated plastic signs.

-He's even put up a website that the attendees, can pre-register for the seminar. (Sorry, he didn't want me giving out the site, for obvious reasons)

-He also is giving them an ethical bribe for attending the seminar; he gives them a few nooks and tapes just for making it to the event. The best part is he received the books for free on the internet, and he's also allowed to give them away for free and even rebrand them as his own books.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Playing in the Real Estate Game

So you’ve seen your umpteenth infomercial with the guy in his neatly pressed button-upped white T-Shirt grinning ear to ear waving his rock-solid no-money-down rags-to-riches real estate investment course for 3 easy payments of a gazillion dollars (but only if you call now) and now you are thinking, "wow this looks like a great deal, I better get it fast before the special offer expires." You notice how there’s always a special offer? Anyway, I am not saying this guy isn’t telling the truth, however regardless of which course or school of thought you buy into there are several key areas that one must avoid when engaging in any real estate related transaction.

Pitfall Number 1: Don’t Overpay!

The whole point in investing is to find properties that are undervalued. How does one find out what is undervalued versus overvalued? Without getting into technical details, the bottom line is you need experience. Yes much like shopping for anything else, real estate is essentially one of the highest ticket items in the shopping center of life. It’s advisable to stick with one market, perhaps the one closest to you in proximity as a starting off point. Through your experience and asking the right questions, you will eventually have a feel for the pulse of the market you are looking after, and of course identify what is considered a good buy.

Pitfall Number 2: Know the Market

Yes, you are actually going to have to do more work! This part is really common sense though, but executing it where the beauty and the payoff comes in. How do you make money in real estate? The most basic way is to buy low and sell high. So from the first step, you have identified general trends in the value of homes, and are pretty good at spotting undervalued homes. Assuming you acquire that home, you may want to profit from it by selling it off to someone else for a higher price. How can you do this? Well there are many ways. For one, most markets appreciate in value over time so if you want a longer term approach that will work. Making upgrades to the property will automatically raise the price of the home as well. Think in terms of what the market wants, not what you personally want. You aren’t the one buying it; you are trying to sell it to someone else for a higher price than you bought it.

Pitfall Number 3: Know Your Budget

It may be a fine philosophy to go through life on a whim, but real estate is serious business, and thus diligent financial planning and budgeting is critical to your success. Don’t worry you don’t need to be a finance geek, however you need to be disciplined and know your budget from the onset, or you may be finding you are learning that you need to make certain renovations or upgrades, and didn’t anticipate it going over to a certain cost. Think ahead as to what is needed before actually going forth with investing in real estate.

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

3 of the top 9 reasons that the real estate bubble is bursting

If you own real estate or are thinking of buying real estate then you better pay attention, because this could be the most important message you receive this year regarding real estate and your financial future.

The last five years have seen explosive growth in the real estate market and as a result many people believe that real estate is the safest investment you can make. Well, that is no longer true. Rapidly increasing real estate prices have caused the real estate market to be at price levels never before seen in history when adjusted for inflation! The growing number of people concerned about the real estate bubble means there are less available real estate buyers. Fewer buyers mean that prices are coming down.

On May 4, 2006, Federal Reserve Board Governor Susan Blies stated that "Housing has really sort of peaked". This follows on the heels of the new Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke saying that he was concerned that the "softening" of the real estate market would hurt the economy. And former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan previously described the real estate market as frothy. All of these top financial experts agree that there is already a viable downturn in the market, so clearly there is a need to know the reasons behind this change.

3 of the top 9 reasons that the real estate bubble will burst include:
1. Interest rates are rising - foreclosures are up 72%!
2. First time homebuyers are priced out of the market - the real estate market is a pyramid and the base is crumbling
3. The psychology of the market has changed so that now people are afraid of the bubble bursting - the mania over real estate is over!

The first reason that the real estate bubble is bursting is rising interest rates. Under Alan Greenspan, interest rates were at historic lows from June 2003 to June 2004. These low interest rates allowed people to buy homes that were more expensive then what they could normally afford but at the same monthly cost, essentially creating "free money". However, the time of low interest rates has ended as interest rates have been rising and will continue to rise further. Interest rates must rise to combat inflation, partly due to high gasoline and food costs. Higher interest rates make owning a home more expensive, thus driving existing home values down.

Higher interest rates are also affecting people who bought adjustable mortgages (ARMs). Adjustable mortgages have very low interest rates and low monthly payments for the first two to three years but afterwards the low interest rate disappears and the monthly mortgage payment jumps dramatically. As a result of adjustable mortgage rate resets, home foreclosures for the 1st quarter of 2006 are up 72% over the 1st quarter of 2005.

The foreclosure situation will only worsen as interest rates continue to rise and more adjustable mortgage payments are adjusted to a higher interest rate and higher mortgage payment. Moody's stated that 25% of all outstanding mortgages are coming up for interest rate resets during 2006 and 2007. That is $2 trillion of U.S. mortgage debt! When the payments increase, it will be quite a hit to the pocketbook. A study done by one of the country's largest title insurers concluded that 1.4 million households will face a payment jump of 50% or more once the introductory payment period is over.

The second reason that the real estate bubble is bursting is that new homebuyers are no longer able to buy homes due to high prices and higher interest rates. The real estate market is basically a pyramid scheme and as long as the number of buyers is growing everything is fine. As homes are bought by first time home buyers at the bottom of the pyramid, the new money for that $100,000.00 home goes all the way up the pyramid to the seller and buyer of a $1,000,000.00 home as people sell one home and buy a more expensive home. This double-edged sword of high real estate prices and higher interest rates has priced many new buyers out of the market, and now we are starting to feel the effects on the overall real estate market. Sales are slowing and inventories of homes available for sale are rising quickly. The latest report on the housing market showed new home sales fell 10.5% for February 2006. This is the largest one-month drop in nine years.

The third reason that the real estate bubble is bursting is that the psychology of the real estate market has changed. For the last five years the real estate market has risen dramatically and if you bought real estate you more than likely made money. This positive return for so many investors fueled the market higher as more people saw this and decided to also invest in real estate before they 'missed out'.

The psychology of any bubble market, whether we are talking about the stock market or the real estate market is known as 'herd mentality', where everyone follows the herd. This herd mentality is at the heart of any bubble and it has happened numerous times in the past including during the US stock market bubble of the late 1990's, the Japanese real estate bubble of the 1980's, and even as far back as the US railroad bubble of the 1870's. The herd mentality had completely taken over the real estate market until recently.

The bubble continues to rise as long as there is a "greater fool" to buy at a higher price. As there are less and less "greater fools" available or willing to buy homes, the mania disappears. When the hysteria passes, the excessive inventory that was built during the boom time causes prices to plummet. This is true for all three of the historical bubbles mentioned above and many other historical examples. Also of importance to note is that when all three of these historical bubbles burst the US was thrown into recession.

With the changing in mindset related to the real estate market, investors and speculators are getting scared that they will be left holding real estate that will lose money. As a result, not only are they buying less real estate, but they are simultaneously selling their investment properties as well. This is producing huge numbers of homes available for sale on the market at the same time that record new home construction floods the market. These two increasing supply forces, the increasing supply of existing homes for sale coupled with the increasing supply of new homes for sale will further exacerbate the problem and drive all real estate values down.

A recent survey showed that 7 out of 10 people think the real estate bubble will burst before April 2007. This change in the market psychology from 'must own real estate at any cost' to a healthy concern that real estate is overpriced is causing the end of the real estate market boom.

The aftershock of the bubble bursting will be enormous and it will affect the global economy tremendously. Billionaire investor George Soros has said that in 2007 the US will be in recession and I agree with him. I think we will be in a recession because as the real estate bubble bursts, jobs will be lost, Americans will no longer be able to cash out money from their homes, and the entire economy will slow down dramatically thus leading to recession.

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Guide To Sarasota Homes For Sale

Of all of the famous cities in South Florida, and the real estate that is available, the Sarasota homes for sale top them all for today's best residential diversity and prices. The homes that are available in Sarasota are bargain priced and some half of what the market price was just one year ago. The diversity of the available Sarasota homes for sale is well known and the real estate in Sarasota has become more and more highly sought after by those astute real estate investors who know what real 'deals' are and where to find them. They come to Sarasota and shop the great home 'deals' that are here in this area, from north of Sarasota to Tampa, and the area east and south of Sarasota also has great bargains in an array of different type single family homes, condominiums, and townhomes as well as multi family buildings. When in Sarasota visit all of the neighborhoods where you can find unique home styles and sizes in each neighborhood. Golfing homes, gated communities, waterfront homes, luxury condos in high rise complexes, Key Island estates, traditional single family homes..Sarasota has every type of home that anyone could want or desire and located in unique neighborhoods, each with its own lifestyle. (Make a note that the 2009 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit is good to 04/30/2010. Up to $8000.00 HUD Secretary Donovan announces that the $8,000 tax credit may be used as a down payment.

Rata Penuh

**Talk to your real estate professional, he/she has all of the information regarding this tax credit and is happy to help you with any questions and will instruct you as to the next steps to take to get the tax credit**)

The Sarasota lifestyle is famous and well known throughout the world, drawing many of the world's rich and famous to this city to find their primary or 2nd or 3rd vacation home. On the mainland are older and more traditional single family homes, located near the newly renovated downtown district. These older, well kept homes are on tree lined streets and have all the modern conveniences. In the downtown district, modern high rise luxury condominiums and town homes have been constructed in recent years, and are located in private complexes that have their own chic shops, bars, restaurants, spas, salons, pools, etc. Even lofts have become available near downtown in recent months. Over on Sarasota's beautiful Key Islands are some of the most exclusive and elegant estates that can be found anywhere. These Islands are tropical, with lush landscaping and the mansions on the estates are hidden away back behind all of this landscaping giving the homeowners total privacy and solitude, while still being close to the beaches, shopping and entertainment options across the Bay.

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Spinning A Yard

It's a worldwide phenomenon and it's coming to a street near you. What am I talking about? Well, the cultural curiosity that is 'Yarnbombing', of course. This 'anti-graffiti' movement has been gaining ground in recent years and, while it certainly has its detractors, it is generally seen as a bit of creative, harmless fun.

So what is yarnbombing, and what exactly are these guerilla knitters trying to achieve? Well, put simply, it is the art of decorating familiar urban features with brightly colored, knitted woolen effects.

Whether it's simply placing a custom-made scarf around the neck of a prominent statue, or brightening up the ugly steel pole of a downtown traffic light, the sole aim is to bring cheer to an often dull environment.

With active yarnbombers busily adding splashes of color to cities around the globe, the movement has, unsurprisingly, attracted a good deal of media attention. Newspapers and magazines from London, Vancouver, New Zealand, to Philadelphia and beyond, have been falling over themselves to unravel the truth behind this knotty spectacle.

The busy knitters and textile artists who generously donate their pieces to the streets of our often gray towns, are aware that their handiwork may be swiftly removed, destroyed, or even regarded as reckless vandalism. But, for most observers, the crocheted creations are simply met with joy. Wry smiles can be seen on the faces of those catching sight of the latest wooly addition to the urban environment, while scores of passers by, stop to take photographs

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Cape Coral Florida real estate - 5th Fastest City in Growth

No, there's no Starbucks here. And you won't find a regional mall or any big name bookstores either.

But according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau News report issued on June 21, 2006, Cape Coral Florida remains the ffifth-fastest growing city in the country! Owners of Cape Coral Florida real estate are rejoicing.

Why? Because Cape Coral Florida real estate values are poised to continue it’s double digit growth.

The Census report, released on June 21, 2006, said the city grew at 9.2 percent from July 1, 2004, to July 1, 2005, reaching a total population of 140,000. Almost a year later, 154,000 people live here, based on city estimates. Cape Coral also was No. 5 on the census growth chart in 2003-2004.

Florida had three cities among the 10 fastest growing in the nation: Port St. Lucie (third), Cape Coral (fifth) and Miramar (eighth).

For buyers wanting a waterfront lifestyle, Cape Coral real estate offers miles of canals to the Gulf of Mexico, and is in great demand.

Bordered on the east by the Caloosahatchee River and on the west by the Gulf of Mexico, Cape Coral Florida real estate provides thousands of waterfront property opportunities with access to the Gulf.

Founded in 1970, Cape Coral Florida’s year round temperature averages 76 degrees. Cape Coral can very well be known as the "new Naples".

The second largest city in the state spanning 115 square miles, Cape Coral has been coined the “Venice of the West” as it hosts 400 miles of canals.

Real estate buyers can take advantage of the unique Cape Coral Florida real estate opportunity by locking in at yesterday's prices. Says one local Realtor, “Instead of saying, 'I can't afford it,' why not ask yourself 'How can I afford it?'"

Cape Coral Florida real estate provides abundant lifestyle opportunities to raise a family, start a business, or get a job with one of the new companies that have also recently relocated to the area.

Cape Coral Florida is also a wonderful place to retire with some of the best golfing and boating to be found anywhere.

Considering all that Cape Coral has to offer, it's no surprise that the Cape Coral real estate market is healthy.

Whether it is the boating, fishing, golfing, restaurants, or great weather Cape Coral Florida real estate offers, this beautiful city does not seem to disappoint.